Last week, we began our investigation by introducing the Cygnus Constellation and detailed various ways it has influenced ancient cultures for thousands of years. Cygnus was among the first 48 constellations that were recorded by Claudius Ptolemy in his book “The Almagest”, around 150 AD. It remains one of the 88 modern constellations. Cygnus is one of the most well-known constellations in the sky. The brightest stars in Cygnus are Deneb, Sadr, Gienah, Delta Cygni and Albireo. The brightest star, Deneb, marks the tail of the swan, while Albireo marks the swan’s head. Sadr, near the center, marks the swan’s breast, sitting at the intersection of the “Northern Cross”. Deneb is also part of the “Summer Triangle” asterism, with the neighboring stars of Altair and Vega.
Cygnus Constellation Drawing, Wikimedia Commons
This describes the makeup of the Celestial Swan, but how does it connect to Oak Island? We’ve mentioned that Cygnus symbolized a portal to the afterlife, the mythical location of the Celtic Otherworld, the Norse Valhalla, and the location of an island in the far north and west associated with the god Apollo. Author/Researcher Peter Dawkins, in his “The Mystery of Oak Island, Part 3, Swan Secrets”, details the work of Betty McKaig, whose research discovered that there was a celestial star map that could be constructed using a step-by-step process. These clues came from the Rosicrucian “Fama Fraternitatis”, the works of Shakespeare, alchemical texts and other books associated with Sir Francis Bacon. The starting point was in the “belly of the dragon”, in the constellation Draco.
Cracking the Shakespeare Code-Petter Amundsen
After decoding the text, Betty was led to make a star map to link together stars and the positions of the sun, moon, and planets. This led to a diagram that made a Celestial/Masonic Compass. The apex of the compass lay on the star Deneb in Cygnus. After several steps it led to a 3:4:5 Pythagorean Triangle being formed between stars of the Summer Triangle asterism associated with Cygnus. This suggests navigational directions and reveals a date. By the positions of the sun, moon, and planets in relation to the stars, the time period indicated the early 1600’s at midnight at the Autumnal equinox. Further instructions revealed the location of Deneb, which on the celestial map is close to Mahone Bay.
Chris Donah: The Welling Triangle
Betty determined this location was Oak Island with the clues being left by Sir Francis Bacon. She went to the Island and concluded it was indeed the right place. She believed there was an alchemical solution to what was hidden on the island. Unfortunately, she learned that there was too much evidence that was destroyed to properly follow the instructions the way they were meant to be followed. Although, some features were still intact that verified her findings. One was the Welling Triangle that closely matched the Celestial/Masonic compass in her star map along with other key measurements. Another was Nolan’s Cross that was a close representation of the “Northern Cross” asterism of Cygnus.
Cracking the Shakespeare Code-Petter Amundsen
This led to researcher Petter Amundsen, who found similar astronomical instructions within the pages of The First Folio of the Works of Shakespeare and other related texts. Petter in his books, and his documentary, “Cracking the Shakespeare Code” detail his findings using ciphers, geometry and masonic training. A celestial map is formed by the constellations of Bootes and Waine found in the “To the Reader” first page of the First Folio. Then the constellations of Leo (Lion), Auriga (Capella the goat star), Draco (Dragon) and Cygnus (Swan) are found to create a Celestial/Masonic compass. The tip of this compass comprises two 37-degree angles. On pages 37 of both the Histories and Comedies of the First Folio, Petter found letters forming ALBEIRO and DENEB, that made two 3:4:5 Pythagorean Triangles. Further clues indicate the location of Oak Island, which were all hidden in plain sight.
Cracking the Shakespeare Code-Petter Amundsen
Petter investigated Nolan’s Cross and his theory is that something significant is buried at the “Mercy Point” which is part of the Tree of life that is hidden around Nolan’s Cross. Nolan’s Cross is a representation of the Northern Cross of Cygnus. It was originally found on Oak Island in 1981 by Fred Nolan. Some people claim that Fred moved the stones to make the cross. This is not true, as Fred was a surveyor and made a complete survey of Cross. He carefully marked the original position of the boulders he found. He moved the boulders to check what was beneath them, but put them back, at or near, their original position. Again, the evidence suggests that Sir Francis Bacon was behind these hidden messages.
Chris Donah: Nolan's Cross
If that’s not enough to establish a Cygnus connection, there’s further research that continues to point to Bacon being involved with the design and construction of Nolan’s Cross. The late Oak Island Researcher Chris Donah, specialized in the astronomy of the Island. Many have doubted that Nolan's Cross is real or some kind of coincidence, but as Chris said, “The sun doesn't lie!” Between Cones (boulders) B, D, and E of the Cross, there are solar alignments corresponding to special dates relating to Francis Bacon's “numbers”, which are found using ciphers that change letters to numbers. The numbers correspond to the sun rising and setting along these lines between these cones on certain dates.
Chris Donah: Cygnus alignment
The sun goes back and forth between the winter and summer solstice throughout the year. For every azimuth bearing (compass heading) on the horizon between these two events, the sun rises or sets twice each year. The dates the sun rises or sets along the lines between Cones B, D, and E of the cross spells “BACON”! Chris also wrote, “As Cygnus sets when looking from the island, it appears to be diving into the horizon. At one point, the head of Cygnus reaches the horizon and appears to be a crucifix on the NW horizon. This occurs each day but can only be seen in the night sky from late August till the beginning of February. This is invisible for the rest of the year due to the sun being above the horizon.”
The Curse of Oak Island- History Channel
Multiple researchers using multiple techniques are finding that ciphers tied to Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians also involve Oak Island. It seems clear that the location of Oak Island was viewed as a representation of Cygnus and the “Northern Cross”. This representation is based on Cygnus being a gateway to heaven. With Oak Island being interpreted as the location of “Heaven on Earth”. As Above, So Below.
Join us next week for a look at who we believe was the inspiration for the works on Oak Island.