The Oak Island Compendium is proud to present our guest blog for this month written by Oak Island Researcher, Brian Pharoah. Brian appeared on “The Curse of Oak Island” in Season 10, Episode 13, “All’s Well”. Brian was not able to present his work in great enough detail due to the time constraints of the show and he has graciously agreed to share some of his work with us. We will be posting his piece in two parts today and tomorrow.

AS ABOVE, SO BELOW – NOLAN’S CROSS, Part 1 by Brian Pharoah
An argument used against Nolan's Cross is that it is merely an arrangement of many glacially placed boulders. A random act of nature. If you have enough boulders, which Oak Island does have, then it is assumed that you could create any kind of alignment you want. This may be true, but for nature to select all five boulders to be the same size and shape seems highly unlikely. Far more probable is that these boulders have been placed where they are by the hand of man. If Oak Island is riddled with so many random boulders and is so "easy" to connect them in geometrical patterns, why are there not more geometrical stone markers found on the island? No one has discovered any other squares, triangles, or pentagrams on the island. The answer is no because aligning random stones is not easy. They were placed in the form of a Christian Cross, with "cone" shaped boulders for a reason. A reason we do not immediately "see." When we combine all of Nolan's Cross's secrets revealed in my books, the reader will see that this cannot be simply a random act of nature. Human beings must have had a hand in its design, layout, and execution, as Nolan's Cross demonstrates a deep understanding of Sacred Geometry and the Cosmos. This Sacred Geometry expresses numbers that describe measurement, music, time, and the Universe itself.
As the measurements were man-made, they were subject to imprecision in some respects. Consequently, I propose Nolan's Cross's measures need to be adjusted slightly (like how Petter Amundsen proposed in his theory). It seems likely that when the boulders were initially surveyed by Nolan and then by Crooker, neither man had an exact starting point from which to measure the large cone-shaped boulders. In other words, there was not an "x" marks on the spot. Over the years, the boulders may have slumped or tilted slightly from their original state, owing to the numerous freeze and thaw cycles the boulders have endured over hundreds of years and the possibility of the ground heaving and slightly displacing the boulders from their intended position. Also, Nolan had mentioned that he had moved Cone A and Cone B, which meant that both Nolan and Crooker were measured to a depression in the ground rather than from an actual stone. As a result, it is reasonable to correct Nolan's measurements. Even Fred Nolan himself stated that there was some “latitude” in his measurements. Nolan’s Cross regardless of the units of measurement illustrates proportions and ratios and sacred geometry hidden inside.
When we make these slight adjustments to the dimensions of Nolan's Cross, Sacred Numbers start to appear. Appear and repeat.
I decided to make a minor change to the long axis dimensions of Nolan's Cross, similar to how Amundsen, in his theory, had adjusted dimensions of the boulders successfully. I would substitute 144 feet for Nolan's 145 feet. I would substitute 432 feet for Nolan's 429 feet. Finally, I would replace 288 feet for Nolan's 293 feet. This slight adjustment reduced the length from Nolan's 867 feet to my 864 feet. Due to each of the boulders' size at six-feet wide or greater, my slight adjustment still lands the dimensions and measurements on top of each of the cone-shaped boulders. It was simply measured to a slightly different spot-on top of each boulder. The short axis of the Cross at 720 feet would remain as per Nolan's measurements.

In the diagram above, you can see Nolan's Cross's original measures and my proposed adjustments to the dimensions of Nolan's Cross. However, as a result of this slight adjustment, suddenly, the Sacred Numbers of the Ancients appear 144, 288, 432, 360, 720, 864.
The cone-shaped boulder locations have been confirmed in situ by Fred Nolan, William Crooker, Petter Amundsen, and the current searchers. Again, this adjustment to the Nolan's Cross dimensions does not move the boulders; it merely changes the location on the six-foot-wide boulder that you measure to. Let us not forget we are not talking about surveying a nail head; we are surveying an approximately six-feet wide or greater cone shaped boulder. When archeologists surveyed and recorded Stonehenge's dimensions and other great megalithic sites worldwide, there was no exact fixed point to measure these monolithic stones. So, let's assume the same can be said of measuring the stones making up Nolan's Cross.
Some people have questioned Nolan's character over the years in an attempt to discredit his discoveries, but it must be pointed out that the people who knew him said he was diligent and exacting in his surveying profession. Nolan would chase survey lines through the forest and over hills to find each boulder's measurements from another. This must have been a daunting exercise, particularly without modern GPS surveying techniques. Observers may have thought he was crazy, but this was the only method to record the alignments and measurements -- boots on the ground. It must be pointed out that the island is heavily forested; it is not like Nolan was surveying a cleared farmer's field. This would have been very tough work.
It must further be remembered that during the time Nolan conducted his surveys, measurements, and lines were plotted with pencil on vellum paper. Many pencil lines would overlay each other. Some people have interpreted Nolan's drawings as a crazy bunch of lines, but I believe this detail only proves how precise Nolan was at his profession. In today's world of computer AutoCAD, architects can simply switch on and off layout lines and layers. Unfortunately, this technology did not exist during Nolan's career. As an architect myself, who also learned to draw by hand like Nolan, I would certainly love to examine Nolan's surveys and compare them with my own AutoCAD files. I simply do not believe that Nolan could have fabricated the boulders' alignments, as three of these boulders still sit in situ and have never been moved. Did Nolan have a deep understanding of sacred and esoteric knowledge? Probably not. If Nolan were aware of the deep esoteric knowledge encoded in the Cross, he would have revealed it upon his discovery of the Cross. For the moment, let's analyze Amundsen’s GPS data for the in situ boulders of Nolan's Cross. The Nolan's Cross boulders are located at precise locations. By using the latitude and longitude in Google Earth. I can confirm that Petter Amundsen’s GPS reading for the Cone C boulder matches Google Earth's GPS coordinates.
Cone C:
• Latitude is North 44 degrees 30' 54.69".
• Longitude is West 64 degrees 17' 32.08".

The positions of the two other cone boulders still in situ is:
• Cone D: 44° 30'49.4518" N, 64° 17'34.6397" W
• Cone E: 44° 30'48.0017" N, 64° 17'38.1258" W
It is important to note that both Cone D and Cone E are on matching bearings at N 44 degrees 30 minutes. These boulders are separated by 288 feet. This cannot be a random act of nature. Two conical sized boulders of the same size and cone-shaped, 288 feet apart, and on an exact bearing alignment. These boulders are running on a 60-degree bearing from the North or 30 degrees from the East. Can these precise alignments of the cone shaped boulders be a random act of nature?
Each year on the Spring Equinox (March 19-21), the Sun rises approximately 30 degrees North of East. As the sun rises, the Constellation Cygnus (Swan) is directly over top of the rising Sun. Cygnus constellation is also called the Northern Cross. A reference to the Northern Cross can be found in Nolan's Cross's design and shape on the ground at Oak Island. As Above, So Below. This alignment to the Spring equinox cannot be random; it must have been planned and designed by Man.
The next astrological alignment we find in the bearing of Nolan's Cross's axis occurs on the Winter Solstice. Each year at Winter Solstice (December 19-21), the Sunsets at about 30 degrees South of West. This varies slightly again every year due to the Precession of the Equinoxes. And interestingly enough, the long axis of Nolan's Cross is aligned with this astrological event. At sunset on the Winter Solstice, the sun disappears below the horizon at a point aligned with Nolan's Cross axis. Again, interestingly, Cygnus (the Northern Cross) appears above the setting sun on Winter Solstice. It is repeating the same astrological relationship with Cygnus and the Sun. This is evidence that the boulders in Nolan's Cross must be a manmade alignment. Could nature have made this alignment?