People of Interest
A list of people connected to the Oak Island Story.
(This list is likely to be updated)
Prince Henry Sinclair- The Scottish-Norwegian Explorer, did he sail to North America and Oak Island?
Estêvão Gomes- The Portuguese explorer, did he claim land that included Oak Island?
Dom Antonio of Portugal- Claimant to Portuguese throne, did he hide his treasure and mint on OI?
Francis Drake- English Sea Dog and Privateer, instructed by Dee, did he help Dom Antonio bury treasure?
Martin Frobisher- Drakes’ Friend and partner, was he involved with the Oak Island Mystery?
John Dee- Expert in Navigation, Geometry, and Triangulation, was he involved with the workings on OI?
Sir Philip Sidney- Knight and Shepherd Poet who wrote “Arcadia”. Suspected ties to the Island.
Edward De Vere- English Nobleman, suspect of writing Shakespeare. Was he involved with Oak Island?
Francis Bacon- THE PRIME SUSPECT. A large amount of evidence points to his involvement with OI.
Humphrey Gilbert- Tutored by John Dee, involved with colonizing North America, was OI involved?
Walter Raleigh- Gilbert’s Half Brother, did he bury treasure on OI and involved with its workings?
Joachim Gans- Jewish Mining Engineer that was working for the Roanoke Colony, was he on OI?
William Alexander- Nova Scotia Baronet and Poet who rewrote Sidney’s “Arcadia”, what did he know?
Samuel De Champlain- French Cartographer and explorer who left off Mahone Bay on his map. Why?
King Henri IV- pushed French exploration and colonization in North America. Tied to many OI suspects.
King Charles I- At his execution he recited Pamela’s Prayer from Sidney’s “Arcadia”. Why?
Charles de la Tour- Original settler at Port Royal, active in Nova Scotia. Did he know about Oak Island?
King Charles II- Suspected of hiding at New Ross during the English Civil War. Sponsored Royal Society.
Guercino- Italian painter who produced “The Shepherds of Arcadia”. Does it contain clues about OI?
Nicholas Poussin- French painter completed “The Shepherds of Arcadia II”. Embedded clues about OI?
Robert Boyle- Founder of Royal Society, inspired by Bacon, an alchemist who may have known about OI.
Isaac Newton- Friend of Boyle’s, also followed in Bacon’s footsteps, alchemist, may be tied to OI.
Edmund Halley- close to Newton and suspected of physically being on OI and following Bacon’s clues.
Captain William Kidd- famous privateer that claimed he hid treasure east of Boston. Many believed OI.
Sir William Phips- suspected of burying treasure on OI, believed to have been in New Ross.
Christopher Monck- sponsor of Phips, his Knight of the Garter medal was found at New Ross.
Count St. Germain- alchemist and Rosicrucian, believed to have been involved in intrigue involving OI.
Thomas Anson- had Shepherds of Arcadia monument at his Shugsborough estate. Knowledge of OI?
George Anson- brother of Thomas, Admiral who captured Spanish treasure. Knowledge of OI?
Madame Pompadour- Mistress of King Louis XV, international intrigue with St. Germaine et al.
King Louis XIV- French King known as the Sun King who acquired artwork of Poussin. What did he know?
Duc de Choiseul- French minister, involved with Pompadour, St. Germain, and Bonnie Prince Charlie.
Duc d’ Anville, La Rochefoucauld- French Admiral, did he leave a treasure on OI from Louisbourg?
Joshua Mauger- British administrator who is believed to have formed a smuggling ring involving OI.
Jonathan Prescott- Associate of Mauger, OI lot owner, involved with Sacking of Lunenburg intrigue.
Robert Melvin- Early OI lot owner, suspected of finding Money Pit and participating in smuggling.
Daniel Vaughan- Privateer suspected of smuggling during the Revolutionary War that used OI.
Reverend John Seccombe- One of the first New England Planters in Chester, early OI lot owner.
Casper Wollenhaupt- Mysteriously acquired Money Pit Lot, involved in Sacking of Lunenburg intrigue.
Captain Noah Stoddard- Led Sacking of Lunenburg by Americans, had tea with Prescott the day before.
Daniel McGinnis- British Loyalist soldier who lived on Oak Island and involved with Money Pit story.
Samuel Ball- British Loyalist soldier who fought for freedom after being slave. Heavily involved with OI.
Captain James Anderson- a known double agent during war. Believed to have been smuggling on OI.
Anthony Vaughan- Senior was OI lot owner & Junior was the person involved with treasure operations.
John Smith- Purchased Money Pit lot from Wollenhaupt, involved with treasure operations for years.
Alexander Brymer- British administrator, took over Mauger’s influence and restarted smuggling on OI.
Michael Wallace- Nova Scotia Treasurer that was tied to Brymer, Samuel Ball married his servant.
Simeon Lynds- Anthony Vaughan cousin, who organized The Onslow Company Operation in 1802.
Robert Creelman- Member of the Truro Company, involved with OI Treasure hunt for much of his life.
Jotham McCully- Member of Truro Co., OI Association, & OI Eldorado Co., involved with 90ft stone.
A.O. Creighton- Close associate of McCully, had a stone claimed to be 90ft stone at his bookbindery.
Jefferson MacDonald- Associate of OI Association that allegedly removed 90ft stone from Smith’s House.
Helen Creighton- Related to Creightons and Kemptons, suspected of knowing about 90ft stone location.
Reverend A.T. Kempton- involved with the publishing of 90ft cipher and story about OI.
Professor James Lietchi- Dalhousie University professor suspected of writing the 90ft stone cipher.
Professor James De Mille- Dalhousie professor and Author, believed to have intimate knowledge of OI.
Professor John Johnson- Dalhousie University professor, suspect in 90ft stone cipher rendering.